Patron Behavior



The Effingham Community Library strives to provide the highest level of service to all library users.  Rules of conduct are set in place to protect the right of Library customers to enjoy a safe environment conducive to the use of library materials and services


No person shall engage in conduct that violates the law.  The library will uphold all federal and state laws and local ordinances in regard to public behavior.

No profane, obscene, or offensive language.

Patrons shall respect the rights of other patrons and Library staff, and shall not engage in behavior so as to unreasonably disrupt another patron’s or employee’s use of the Library or disrupt the operation of the Library.

Patrons are required to take personal responsibility for their welfare, the welfare of their children, and their personal property.

Do not stand over other patrons while they are on the computer or looking at reading materials.  Willfully annoying another patron will be cause for you to be asked to leave the premises.

If a patron or patrons charge defaces or damages library materials they will be expected to pay for them.

Please read computer rules, Internet rules, and library rules to make sure you know what is acceptable in the library.

The Effingham Community Library does not allow smoking, possession of drugs, or alcohol on the library premises.  If a patron is caught with alcohol, drugs or concealed weapons, he/she will be asked to leave and law enforcement may be called.

Patrons are responsible for all items checked out and those items checked out by their minor children.


Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs:

Public libraries in Kansas are legally designated as non-smoking institutions under K.S.A. 21-4009.
The Effingham Community library does not allow smoking, possession of drugs, or alcohol on the library premises.  If caught in possession of alcohol or drugs on the library premises you will be asked to leave and law enforcement officers may be called.  Smoking is not allowed inside the library.